Sunday, September 16, 2012

Final: The Questions

Problems in society that concern me about photography: 

  1. If I was to post a photo on a personal website that I did not take and I do not own? What could possibly be the consequences for doing so?
  2. If I do not copyright or watermark my own images and someone were to steal them, what legal action could I take?
  3. Can I take photos of people at a park or a mall or other public places without their permission, what are the legal limits to using the photos for other projects?
  4. Do I need to put the © notice on my photos?
  5. If I were to get all of my photography copyrighted, how long does a copyright last?
  6. Who owns the copyright in a photograph once it is taken?
  7. If I don’t register my copyright for my photos properly, do I still own the copyright to my photos?
  8. What is the difference between copyright and creative commons?
  9. If I take photos on private property, could the owner of the property take my film or my camera if they do not want the pictures taken?
  10. Is it against the law to take photographs of children on the street, and would I need a parents permission?

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