In the US military there are hundreds of awards and decorations that are given to soldier's who excel in certain fields. These can be combat and non combat awards ranging from completing and accomplishing certain missions all the way up to the highest award which is known as the medal of honor. These awards once out of the military can offer solder's many different benefits and even sometimes a pension of money they receive each month. They lie and give false claims about military honors to the government and the courts so that they can get money and medals given to them, even if they didn't deserve to have these awards. In another words they are cheating the system. Even in some cases people have submitted wrong military documentation and said they were injured in order to obtain medical and educational benefits.
By committing these crimes, one may result in punishment for lying about receiving these awards and decorations; for example, time spent in jail or even life spent in jail, paying a fine, and or probation. I highly disagree in what these solder's are doing, they are taking away from the real solder's that gave their life and health to this country. Its terrible, I especially don't like that they receive educational benefits. School is extremely expensive and the fact that these people who lie about being hero's are now receiving money for school, its not fair, especially for the true hero's.
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