Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Week 4 EOC-Death Race Jeopardy

My experience from the jeopardy game that was done in class today was a good one. Although for the past 2 weeks, I already had been skimming through the terms in my book while at work and on the bus, so for the most part I was already starting to become somewhat familiar with some of the terms. But, today really got me thinking and by the end of the class I started to recognize where to find most of the terms for the definitions during the game. I'm not usually one for being up in front of the class being the center of attention for activities such as what we did today; but, I am trying to break that habit, seeing as I am trying to eventually become a successful photographer. I will have to get over my fear of being around people, and being the quiet one in the class. I learned a lot from today's lesson, not only did I have fun. But, I worked really hard on my jeopardy game and I like a challenge. Even if I don't get an A, I always do the best I can. At first I wasn't all that prepared for the game because I was unsure how it was going to be played out. But, now I think the game better prepared me for the midterm test next week. I still plan on studying as much as I can until then but, by playing the game and actually having to be under pressure to get the answers right and win, made me learn better. I definitely feel that doing something so hands on like what we did today is a better way to become more knowledgable with the criteria of the book. 

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